Does inequality matter in the big economic picture?
I’m not going to discuss here why economic inequality is worsening. That it’s getting worse is an unarguable fact. What drives the worsening is not yet perfectly clear—is it mainly the inevitable outcome of market forces, or is it a side-effect of “rent-seeking” by rich folks and rich corporations? (I will treat rent-seeking issue in another post.)
Does increasing economic inequality harm the economy as a whole? Does it suppress growth in total wealth? (Agreed that definition of “wealth” is slippery. IMO the Gross Domestic Product does not exactly measure wealth, since it includes the production of a lot of Stuff no one really needs, some of it downright absurd, such as the more than two billion annually spent on Halloween costumes for pets. But the movement of the GDP is the best guide we have to economic growth, or the lack of it.)
I’m not addressing the somewhat different issue of fairness here. It is obvious that huge inequalities are unfair to those on the lower rungs. Enough people are talking about that, that I don’t need to chime in.
Aside from fairness, does the canard that the “Rising Tide Lifts All (or most)Boats” hold, when economic inequality is a main driver of the tide?
Continue reading “How to Cripple an Economy, Part 1: Inequality”