My thing is bigger than your thing.
The bigger, more powerful button. The Wall. The exclusion of immigrants. Increased defense spending. All of a piece in the vision of “America First.”
Donald Trump’s latest descent into juvenile posturing, the warning to Kim Jong-un of how he, the world’s mightiest leader, has a larger, more powerful nuclear button than “Rocket Man,” is the latest manifestation of not just Trump’s insecurity, but the insecurity of many who elected him. That’s those who see foreigners as jackals circling us, tearing off—or ready to tear off at the first opportunity—the choicest pieces of America, feasting on our nation’s wealth and power in a torment by a thousand bites.
This may remind you of Richard Nixon’s characterizing the U.S. as a “pitiful, helpless giant,” as a justification for launching new military spending programs, which were later expanded under Reagan.