Modernization means escalation
It’s hard to say what is the most disturbing thing president Trump said in his State of the Union address, but there’s one that was not just disturbing, but frightening—the idea of “modernizing” our nuclear arsenal.
“Modernization” means, for starters, modifying our strategic force (i.e. big bombs, 100 kilotons of TNT equivalent yield on up) to make it more flexible and deadly. Sounds bad, right? Exactly what Donald Trump wants–as always, he wants to be the biggest and baddest dude on the planet. Whatever the cost. The cost in dollars, of course, will ultimately be measured in hundreds of billions. The increased risk of strategic nuclear exchanges will be immeasurable.
For a look at what modernization portends, read the executive summary of the latest Nuclear Posture Review to be found here.
On the strategic side, the upgrading will be a bolstering of our forces of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) with Russia.*
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