Environmental Wrecking Ball to Head EPA, Continue War on Science – Why??

It seems that every sentient being on the planet has felt obliged to weigh in on the U.S. Presidential election and what it spat out: Donald Trump. I have kept quiet on this matter on this blog up to now, because (1) I’m “partisan,” so what is my biased opinion worth? (2) every insightful thing that can be said has already been said by others.

But Donald Trump’s nominating Scott Pruitt to head the EPA is a call to arms.  If you don’t know the scope of the damage Pruitt can do, check out this in The Guardian: Pruitt Nomination Implications

Most of what you need to know about the policy issues can be gleaned from The Guardian piece and elsewhere on the Web. But there’s a more sweeping issue represented by the nomination of a climate “skeptic” (in actuality, a denier) to this critical post. That of course is the War on Science. From whence does it spring?

Continue reading “Environmental Wrecking Ball to Head EPA, Continue War on Science – Why??”

Hope for Afghanistan? Maybe.

See the following thoughtful essay on Afghanistan from Joel Vowell, a veteran of three tours in the infantry in Afghanistan. I believe his rank is lieutenant colonel, maybe full colonel by now. He speaks of “rational optimism.” He makes a credible case for staying the course.

Most of you readers are wary of “military solutions” and attempts at regime change in the Middle East, for good reason. Nevertheless, what Vowell speaks of sounds deeper than a mere military engagement.


– Mark