A Dog that Doesn’t Bark: Silent Sentinels that Keep Us Safe

It’s not just health care that’s collapsing

The U.S. response to the Covid-19 pandemic shines a glaring light on the inadequacy of the U.S. health care system—so glaring that folks who have shrugged off the howls of critics for decades have been shocked to realize just how fragile it is. Bernie Sanders has been the highest-profile, most strident, and most consistent critic, but he has had a lot of company among progressives. and the pandemic is driving even some centrists into his “Medicare for All” camp.

The mounting crisis prompted David Himmelstein of the CUNY School of Public Health to observe, of a properly-run health care system’s response to a crisis, “You don’t see the results. It’s a dog that doesn’t bark.”*

What has saved the U.S. pandemic response from utter tragedy is the level of expertise and commitment among health professionals—doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, radiologists, lab technicians, and the like—highly educated and benefiting from leading edge research in medical science distributed among institutions throughout the country. Their sacrifices in battling Covid-19 have been heroic. But this cadre of health care professionals has to drag around the ball-and-chain of a system that is structured primarily not to promote health, but to make money for insurance companies who pry open every cranny in the structure to achieve private again. Many private hospitals and specialists also work hand-in-glove with insurance companies to drive up costs and fatten profits.

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The Liberal Conspiracy Theory We’ve All Been Waiting For

[Note: by Liberal Conspiracy Theory I mean not a theory about liberals, but a theory held  by liberals about the Deep Right.]

Who’s dying of Covid-19?

To state the obvious—I know you’ve been thinking it, but are wary of seeming too paranoid—the Trumpian Right is getting just what it wants out of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Steven Miller goes home at night chortling at the latest death toll—OK, he may be sorry about some bigoted Trump fans dying (there’s always collateral damage in a righteous war), but not enough to suppress his glee at the bigger picture.

Those who are dying in the greatest numbers, out of proportion to their fraction of the population:

(1) People in big cities: New York; Philadelphia; Chicago; Detroit; Boston; Baltimore  . . .

(2) Minorities, African-Americans in particular: for example, in Wisconsin 40 percent of Covid-19 fatalities are blacks, and they represent 6 percent of the population.

(3) Prisoners, with blacks being imprisoned across the U.S. at five times the rate of whites.

(4)  The elderly—in the U.S. as of March 16, 80% of Covid-19 deaths were in people age 65 or older.

(5) People with serious underlying health conditions.

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The Protein Predicament: Livestock’s Impact on Human and Environmental Health (and What to Do About It)

Report says red meat OK for human health

By now you have likely heard of a report recently published in the Annals of Internal Medicine that concludes “there’s no need to reduce red or processed meat consumption for good health,” as summarized in the Washington Post.

Beef: good (for protein), bad (for the environment, and probably for health), and kinda ugly (for aesthetics, if that matters)

Kaboom! Went the plunge of this report into the midst of what had been a gathering consensus about the many ill effects of a meat-heavy diet.

RECOMMENDATION: before you read the full Washington Post piece, first read its last two paragraphs (beginning with “Willettt says the panel’s conclusions and recommendations do not reflect the study’s findings . . .”  – emphasis mine).  They indicate that the editorial board of the Annals etc. have spun the data in favor of the red and processed meat industry. In the editorial itself, the writers bury concerns about the environmental impacts of meat consumption in the final paragraph.

If you read the complete piece in the Post, you will see that the conventional nutritional wisdom, that it’s healthier to eat less meat, still has solid  support among almost all nutritionists. Walter Willett pointed out that the study itself associates moderate reduction in meat production with a 13 percent lower mortality, and said,  “if a drug brought down the number of deaths to that degree . . .  it would be heralded as a success.” Certainly such a drug would be heralded as a success by a multi-billion dollar drug company.  There is no multi-billion dollar profit-making enterprise to curb the consumption of red meat.

Once the media, always on the hunt for controversy, had taken up the  report it went mainstream (as in the Washington Post, the New York Times etc.) accompanied by a glut of social media chatter. And then came a firestorm of backlash such as you can read of in a litany of objections from nutritionists, doctors, and researchers found on this page of WebMd.

The study is tainted by past ties of one of the research’s co-leaders to an industry trade group, the “International Life Sciences Institute” (ILSI)—a connection he did not disclose because technically the connection did not fall within the past-3-year reporting requirement for publication. While the earlier study—which incidentally was an attempt to allay health concerns about sugar additives—was published in December 2016 (less than 3 years ago), researcher Bradley Johnston said he was paid for the research in 2015 (more than 3 years ago).  Ergo he was not obliged to disclose the connection because the payment fell outside the 3-year window. . . .  Did he really think this was not going to come out? Did he really think that no one would suspect he might be eyeing future funding by the ILSI, having insinuated himself further into their good graces with the red meat study?  Maybe in the context of runaway mendacity and moral obtuseness in the twenty-teens he saw no reason to observe the spirit of disclosure rules.

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Trump Strong-Arms Ecuador – then Defers to Guess Who?

It’s not just asylum seekers’ children suffering from Trump policy; it’s kids in other hemispheres

Given everything we hear and see from the Trump administration, it’s evident that children’s well-being is low on their list of priorities.

Still, two headline-grabbing episodes have given extra dimensions to  Trump anti-child bias.  

The first, the separation of children from parents seeking asylum on the U.S.-Mexico border, made still more vile by failing to track which children belonged to which parents, vileness compounded yet again by the prospect of toddlers being ordered to appear in court alone for their own deportation proceedings.

Ugly— yet, there is still the flimsy rationale of “border security” used to justify such inhumane treatment.  The border security narrative goes, who knows what Hispanic children, allowed to stay  in the U.S., will go on to join an MS-13 gang and hack to death hapless white U.S. citizens on the street?  Better to send them back to an early death in El Salvador, ensuring we need never fear them again.  So it might be cruel, but at least it is not arbitrary.

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More Bad News for White Athletes and Would-Be-Athletes

Too much exercise takes a toll on male cardiac arteries (whites only)!!

We all know that white men (still) can’t jump,*  but now we find that a new study reveals, “White men who exercise at high levels are 86% more likely than people who exercise at low levels to experience a buildup of plaque in the heart arteries by middle age. . . .”

See: uh-oh

Yes!  Another occasion for white males to feel like a victimized minority. . .

This research hits home with me especially because last year I discovered I had cardiac disease that required the installation of two stents in my Left Anterior Descending artery, the so-called “widow maker.” Now I find that a white male age 71 who runs and cycles maybe too much is increasing his risk of heart disease.

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